CTE » Programs


Computer Science and Engineering
Computer science and engineering is a project-based course designed to instruct students through activities that require modeling, physical design, and coding, leading them to discover how computing and engineering work together to solve problems. This course offers students exposure to the engineering design process which introduces them to problem solving and critical thinking as well as the basics of project management and teamwork. 
Link to Curriculum:
Student Organization: Skills USA

Student Organization:  TSA

Simulation and Animation
Simulation and animation design is a pathway in the arts, audio-video technology, and communications career cluster. This program is designed for students who wish to develop, design, and implement projects in the ever-expanding field of game design and development. The program emphasizes the techniques and tools used in the game design and the creative design or content of such media. Both theoretical learning and activity-based learning are provided for students who wish to develop and enhance their competencies and skills. The program focuses on the basic areas of ethics, character development, audio and video production, and design using visualization software. The program finishes with a performance-based unit that requires students to develop their own gaming environment. This comprehensive project component provides practical experience in developing a portfolio of work. Membership is encouraged in student organizations that promote technological literacy, leadership, and problem solving, resulting in personal growth and opportunity.
Link to the Curriculum:
CCHS Simulation and Animation Design Curriculum.pdf
Student Organization:  TSA
Teacher Academy
Teacher Academy is a pathway for students in the Education and Training Career Cluster. Teacher Academy is a high school program with courses designed to attract students to the field of education, provide information and field experiences relevant to pursuing a degree in education, and prepare students for the rigors of a career in education so they will remain long-term educators. The Teacher Academy pathway includes classroom and hands-on experiences that will prepare students for employment or continuing education in the education field. The program is two years and has a Teacher Academy 1 and Teacher Academy 2. Also, the Career Technical Student Organization for this program is Educators Rising.
Link to Curriculum: 
CCHS Teacher Academy.pdf
Student Organization:  Educators Rising
https://educatorsrising.org/Education Rising
Law and Public Safety
The Law and Public Safety career pathway focuses on the history of law and legal systems in the United States. Students will leave the program with a firm foundation of knowledge in these areas. Additionally, students will learn the importance of personal health and safety in the work environments associated with law and public safety. Students will also be introduced to the emergency services found in local communities. Additionally, students will focus on corrections in the state of Mississippi, studying specifically how jails and prison’s function. Students will learn the specialized areas and topics within the law and public safety arena. They will examine the daily tasks and responsibilities of the professionals in the field. The program will offer students the opportunity to examine all areas of the military and the professions associated with each branch. Additionally, students will learn about emergency management and workplace skills and will have meaningful, relevant job-shadowing experiences with professionals.  The program is two years and has Law and Public Safety 1 and Law and Public Safety 2.  
Link to Curriculum: CCHS Law and Public Safety.pdf
Student Organization: Skills USA
Work Based Learning
Work-based learning (WBL) provides students opportunities to connect what they learn in the classroom with authentic work experiences.  WBL experiences provide training grounds for students to practice and improve nontechnical skills, including dependability and working with others.
According to the Perkins V Act, WBL is: 
“Sustained interactions with industry or community professionals in real workplace settings, to the extent practicable, or simulated environments at an educational institution that foster in-depth, first-hand engagement with the tasks required of a given career field, that are aligned to curriculum and instruction.” 
The WBL courses gives Mississippi high school students the opportunity to earn academic credit for their authentic work experiencesLink to the Curriculum: CCHS 2020 WBL Operation Guide_Final_9-9-21.pdfStudent Organization: 
Cyber Foundations I and II
Cyber Foundations I
Cyber Foundations I is an innovative instructional program that prepares students to effectively use technology in learning, communication, and life and introduces them to the critical-thinking and problem-solving skills used in computing which is impacting every career field. Students in Cyber Foundations I complete study in interpersonal and self-directional skills, basic technology operation and technology concepts, ethical issues in technology, keyboarding, technology communication tools, technology resource tools, multimedia presentation applications, word processing applications, spreadsheet applications, problem solving, web development, and block-based programming.
Link to Curriculum: CCHS 2020 Cyber Foundations I_Final.pdf
Cyber Foundations II
Cyber Foundations II is an innovative instructional program that prepares students to effectively use technology in learning, communication, and life and introduces them to the critical-thinking and problem-solving skills used in computing and that impact every career field. Students in cyber foundations II complete studies in interpersonal and self-directional skills, basic technology operation and technology concepts, ethical issues in technology, technology communication tools, lab management and networking, database applications, graphic design applications, and career preparation. Link to the Curriculum:  CCHS 2020 Cyber Foundations II_Final.pdf
Student Organization: TSA

Exploring Computer Science (ECS)
ECS is a survey course that introduces students to the breadth of the computer science field. The course lays a foundation in problem solving, critical thinking, and algorithmic development and then introduces students to the basics of Web development, programming, robotics, data science, and artificial intelligence. 
Link to Curriculum: CCHS 2020 Exploring Computer Science_Final.pdf
Student Organization: TSA